26th April, 2020
DSOImagingDSLRProcessingTelescopeAdmittedly this was a long shot of a target with an astro-modified DSLR, it is a much better narrowband target which can help bring out a wealth of details and looks great in the famous Hubble Palette . Add to that the fact that it is currently at its lowest point in the sky until the late summer months and you have a lot of atmosphere in the way and a nice light pollution gradient from the glow of London in the North.
Nevertheless I was eager to try a nebula target out with the newly astro-modified DSLR and the now stable mount and guiding I've worked so hard towards for months.
The result was not surprising but equally exciting as I had never managed to tease any H-alpha out of images with the DSLR before. The image is over-processed, noisy and pretty ugly overall but all the same it was worth the challenge and did prompt me to look into combatting the light pollution in future as well as push me towards considering a narrowband capable imaging camera in the future.
Stacking - Astro Pixel Processor
Processing - StarTools
Final Touches - Photoshop CC 2020